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what is the timing of EID prayers ?

Brother as we see that people set different timing for the eid prayer, which really is confusing, so I want to know the timing of eid prayer?


The time for salatul eid begins from the time the sun is three meters above the horizon until the sun reaches its meridian.

Ahmad ibn Hassan al-Bana' records that Jundub said: "The Prophet prayed the 'idul fitr prayer while the sun was [approximately] six meters above the horizon and the 'id of the sacrifice while the sun was three meters above the horizon."

Ibn Qudamah says: "It is a sunnah to pray salatul azha early in order to allow more time for the people to perform the sacrifice, and the salatul fitr is to be delayed in order to give people time to pay zakat al-Fitr. And their is no difference of opinion on this point." And Allah alone knows the best.