Today internet offers many services which are very useful to the
human civilization, be it encyclopedia, e-mail, e-shopping, etc but
despite many useful services no one can deny that it too offers
some evil services which are considered dangerous to the human
civilization by all religions and one of these evil service is
pornography. There are around 420 million pornographic
WebPages, which include both paid and free porn content.
We after deep research found these ill effects of porn addiction or porn:
1. Majority of the porn addicts experience difficulty in their personal and social life as they isolate themselves to continue fueling their addiction.
2. Anti-pornography activist, Gail Dines, notes that young men who become addicted to porn neglect their schoolwork, spend huge amount of money they don’t have, become isolated from others and often suffer depression. Dr. william strutem(phd in biopsychology from university of Illinois at Chicago) adds some more. Men using porn becomes highly intolerant, have high anxiety, narcissistic, curious, have low self esteem, depressed, dissociative, distractible.
3. One turns to frequent masturbation.
4. Ironically while viewing porn, it creates momentarily intense pleasurable experience, it ends up leading to several negative lingering psychological experience.
5. As men fall deeper into the mental habit of seeing porn, the exposure to it creates neural pathways, so through these path ways the erotic becomes easy next time as any material is viewed or as any thought of it goes through one’s mind, and as one continue to view, these neural paths become wider and clear and finally becomes an automatic pathway.
6. In married life it makes the real sexual relation with your spouse and the real world boring, thus creates differences in ones relationship in the real world.
7. Porn keeps one’s mind busy with it, which in turn decreases your productivity at work place or at school and you start losing your memory and interest. And Allah alone knows the best.
SOURCE: ummahhelpline.Com
We after deep research found these ill effects of porn addiction or porn:
1. Majority of the porn addicts experience difficulty in their personal and social life as they isolate themselves to continue fueling their addiction.
2. Anti-pornography activist, Gail Dines, notes that young men who become addicted to porn neglect their schoolwork, spend huge amount of money they don’t have, become isolated from others and often suffer depression. Dr. william strutem(phd in biopsychology from university of Illinois at Chicago) adds some more. Men using porn becomes highly intolerant, have high anxiety, narcissistic, curious, have low self esteem, depressed, dissociative, distractible.
3. One turns to frequent masturbation.
4. Ironically while viewing porn, it creates momentarily intense pleasurable experience, it ends up leading to several negative lingering psychological experience.
5. As men fall deeper into the mental habit of seeing porn, the exposure to it creates neural pathways, so through these path ways the erotic becomes easy next time as any material is viewed or as any thought of it goes through one’s mind, and as one continue to view, these neural paths become wider and clear and finally becomes an automatic pathway.
6. In married life it makes the real sexual relation with your spouse and the real world boring, thus creates differences in ones relationship in the real world.
7. Porn keeps one’s mind busy with it, which in turn decreases your productivity at work place or at school and you start losing your memory and interest. And Allah alone knows the best.
SOURCE: ummahhelpline.Com