If someone gives a gift to a man in authority, inorder to get favour over others, can it be considered as a bribe, fast reply will be appreciated, jazakala
Allah Says in the Quran:Do not usurp one another’s property by unjust means, nor offer it (bribes) to the judges so that you may devour knowingly and unjustly a portion of the goods of others. QURAN [2:188]
Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As The Messenger of Allah (saws) invoked the curse of Allah on the one who bribes and the one who takes bribe. ABU-DAWOOD[Book 24 : Hadith 3573]
Thus from the above guidance of Allah & his prophet (pbuh), To demand or accept a bribe in absolutely any form or under any guise or circumstances is absolutely forbidden in Islam. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has invoked the curse of Allah on the one who bribes and the one who takes bribe.
Thus if one sends a gift to someone who is in authority, in order to receive any type of favor over others, will be considered as a bribe. So a believer should always abstain from giving bribe or taking bribe in any form, & should fear Allah. And Allah alone knows the best.