Between Fajar prayer and sunrise,can we offer the missed two rakaat sunnat or should we offer them only after sunrise?
It is forbidden to pray after the Morning Prayer until the sunrise and from the sunrise until the sun has completely risen to the length of a spear above the horizon, and when the sun is at its meridian until it moves slightly to the west, and after the afternoon prayer until the sun sets.‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir said: “There were the times at which the Messenger of Allaah (pbuh) forbade us to pray or to bury our dead: when the sun has clearly started to rise until it is fully risen, when it is directly overhead at midday until it has passed its zenith, and when the sun starts to set until it has fully set.” [Sahih Muslim Vol.2 Chapter 292 Hadith No.1811]
Narrated Abu Said Al Khudri: I heard Allah's Messenger (pbuh) saying, "There is no prayer after fajr prayer till the sun rises, and there is no prayer after the Asr prayer till the sun sets." [Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol.1 Hadith No.586]
Thus under normal circumstances, a Muslim should not offer Salaah after the Fajr prayer until the sun rises or after the asr prayer until the sun sets, unless there is a valid reason and requirement. For example, if after having offered his asr salaah a person enters a mosque before sunset, he can offer two raka’ahs Tahiyyat al-masjid (prayer after entering mosque) before sitting which is a recommended Sunnah.
Similarly, if a person does Tawaaf of the Ka’bah after offering Fajr salaah and before sunrise, he can offer two raka’ahs Salaatal-Tawaaf (prayer done after circumambulating the Ka’bah).
Therefore a believer should not offer his missed sunnah prayer after fajar prayer & before sunrise. And Allah alone knows the best. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK