catching salah
If we catch only the rukoo(bowing) of a rakaat, is that rakaat valid?If imaam is in rukoo(bowing) and some late one come, then shall we go directly into rukoo after Takbeer or should we first go for kayaam(standing) and then takbeer?
Whoever joins a congregation, he should perform the opening takbir while standing and then move directly to the act that the congregation may be performing, for instance, if the congregation is prostrating one should perform the opening takbir and then join it in the prostration. However, such a person is not considered as having performed the rak'ah unless he performs the ruku' (bowing), even if he just bows and puts his hands on his knees, when the imam is finishing his ruku'.Abu Hurairah reports that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alehi wasallam said: "If you come to the salah and we are in sajdah, then make sajdah with us but do not count it [as a rak'ah]. And whoever 'catches' the ruku', he catches the salah." This is related by Abu Dawud, Ibn Khuzaimah in his Sahih, and by al-Hakim, who considers it sahih, in his Al-Mustadrak.
From the above guidance of our beloved prophet it is clear that If the imam leading the congregation prayer has completed his ‘ruku’, raised his head & declared ‘sameh allaholeman hameda’, the one who joins the congregation at this stage should make the ‘takbir’ & stand along with the congregation, but he would have deemed to miss that rakah which he should complete at the end of prayer.
But if imam is still in the ruku when one joins the congregation & he is able to catch the ruku then he does not have to repeat that particular raka.